Última fecha de actualización el 28 de marzo de 2025
Es el texto de aquí.
Yokohama Startup Visa
Una página japonesa: Japanese
- 1.Outline
- 2.Eligible Applicants
- 3.Eligible Fields
- 4.Visa application process
- 5.Required documents
- 6.Who can apply
- 7.Where to apply
- 8.Getting a Visa
- 9.Renewing the visa (Every six months)
- 10. Monthly interview
- 11. Changes of Business Startup Activities Confirmation Application
- 12. Invalidation of the certification from City of Yokohama
- 13. Inquiries
Minatomirai, Yokohama
The City of Yokohama was certificated as a municipality that promotes the entrepreneurship of foreign nationals by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI).
The Yokohama startup visa promotes the entrepreneurship of foreign nationals in Yokohama.
Normalmente, para conseguir el estado del «Director ejecutivo» de la residencia, ciudadanos extranjeros a los que les gustaría comenzar una necesidad comercial de cumplir con ciertos requisitos, como apertura de una oficina, alquiler de al menos dos materia de jornada completa, adquisición de la capital más de cinco millones de yenes, etc.
Through this program, foreign nationals who would like to start business in Yokohama start by having an interview with a Yokohama startup visa coordinator, filling out the required documents, and turning them in to the City of Yokohama. La ciudad los protege para determinar si el candidato cumplirá con los requisitos del estado del «Director ejecutivo» de la residencia dentro de dos años y certificación de cuestiones.
Entonces el candidato presenta esta certificación y los documentos requeridos a la Agencia de Immigration Services, y después de pasar la proyección, pueden conseguir unas «actividades designadas» visado durante hasta dos años (renovación requerida cada seis meses).
※Foreigners already residing in Japan under other status of residence* may also apply.
(*) "College Student" status, "Professor" status, "Research" status, and "Resident Alien" status for foreign nationals who have graduated from a Japanese university, etc.
Students who are residing in Japan with the status of residence of "Designated Activities" to continue job hunting after graduation are assumed to be those who are residing in Japan.
Línea directa de apoyo del visado de arranque de Yokohama (An-Nahal Inc.)
Email: yokohama_startupvisa@an-nahal.com
※Japanese and English are available.
Sitio web del Visado de Arranque de Yokohama (el sitio exterior)
2.Eligible Applicants
People planning to start a business in Yokohama within two years
(Los extranjeros que ya residen en Japón bajo otros estados de la residencia también se pueden presentar.)
3.Eligible Fields
The City of Yokohama will issue a startup visa for the following fields of industry:
- Businesses utilizing innovative technologies such as AI and DX
- Health and medical fields
- Knowledge-intensive and value-added businesses
- Other businesses aiming to create new products, services, or business models
- Wholesale, retail, trading, food and beverage, lodging, and service industry are not eligible.
4.Visa application process
Visa application process
Consulta preliminar (requerida)
Applicants must have an interview with the Yokohama startup visa coordinators before turning in application forms.
An appointment is required for an interview.
The contact information is below.
Línea directa de apoyo del VISADO de arranque de Yokohama (An-Nahal Inc.)
Email: yokohama_startupvisa@an-nahal.com
※Japanese and English are available.
Screening Process with the City of Yokohama
Screening Process with the City of Yokohama
5.Required documents
The following documents must be submitted with the application.
Applicants must write the following applications in Japanese.
1. Solicitud de Confirmación de Actividades económicas (una palabra: 20 kilobytes)
2. Plan de Actividad de Preparación de Arranque comercial (una palabra: 46 kilobytes)
3. Curriculum vitae del candidato (una palabra: 30 kilobytes)
4. Promesa (una palabra: 16 kilobytes)
5. Materiales suplementarios para la Solicitud de Confirmación de Actividades económicas (una palabra: 14 kilobytes)
(Other documents)
6. Copia del pasaporte del candidato
7. Un documento que muestra el lugar de residencia del candidato durante un año después de llegar al estado del visado de Japón/cambio (la copia de un contrato del alquiler, solicitud del contrato del alquiler, etc.)
8. A document that shows the cost of the applicant's accommodation for one year after arriving in Japan/changing visa status (ex: A copy of the applicant's bank book)
9. Other documents allow us to understand the applicant and their business plan.
※In addition to these documents, you may be asked to submit other documents.
6.Who can apply
- The applicant themselves
- A person who has notified the head of the regional immigration office with jurisdiction over their location through the bar association or administrative scrivener association to which they belong
- An employee of the domestic business office where the applicant will conduct their business
- A person entrusted by the applicant to establish a domestic business office (in the case of a corporation, its employee)
- When 2 to 4 are submitting the application, documents that clarify the relationship with the foreign national and evidence proving their position must be submitted.
7.Where to apply
Innovation Promotion Division, Business Innovation Department, Economic Affairs Bureau
Address: 6-50-10 Hon-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama
TEL: 045-671-3837
Email: ke-global@city.yokohama.lg.jp
※Please contact us before you visit our office.
Ayuntamiento de Yokohama, centro de llamadas
8.Getting a Visa
If the applicant passes the screening, they can get certification from the City of Yokohama.
Certification is valid for three months.
Dentro de tres meses, vaya a la Agencia de Immigration Services y solicite las «Actividades Designadas» estado de la residencia.
If you have any questions about application procedures, please contact the Immigration Services Agency.
https://www.moj.go.jp/isa/about/region/yokohama/index.html (el sitio exterior)
After you get the visa from the Immigration Services Agency, contact the Yokohama startup visa coordinators as soon as possible.
In addition, you must turn in the documents below.
Required documents
1. Notificación de Adquisición (Renovación) de Estado de Residencia «Actividades Designadas» (una palabra: 23 kilobytes)
2. Copy of residence card
3.(※ Si espera la emisión de una tarjeta de la residencia, por favor presente una copia de su pasaporte.)
Applicants must write these applications in Japanese.
If you write them in English, you will have to turn in a translation of these documents as well.
9.Renewing the visa (Every six months)
Si puede conseguir las «Actividades designadas» el estado de la residencia, tendrá que renovar su visado en la Agencia de Immigration Services cada seis meses.
Before you apply to the Immigration Services Agency, fill out the documents below and turn them in to City of Yokohama. Los protegemos si puede cumplir con el requisito para conseguir el estado del «director ejecutivo» de la residencia.
Required documents
1. Solicitud de Confirmación de Actividades económicas (Renovación) (una palabra: 18 kilobytes)
2. Plan de Actividad de Preparación de Arranque comercial (Renovación) (una palabra: 40 kilobytes)
3. A copy of your passport
4. Un documento que muestra el lugar de residencia del candidato durante seis meses después de renovar el visado (copia de un contrato del alquiler, solicitud del contrato del alquiler, etc.)
5. A documents that clarifies the cost of the applicant's accommodation for the six months after renewing the visa (ex: A copy of the applicant's bank book)
※In addition to these documents, you may be asked to submit other documents.
Who can apply
- The applicant themselves
- A person who has notified the head of the regional immigration office with jurisdiction over their location through the bar association or administrative scrivener association to which they belong
- An employee of the domestic business office where the applicant will conduct their business
- A person entrusted by the applicant to establish a domestic business office (in the case of a corporation, its employee)
- When 2 to 4 are submitting the application, documents that clarify the relationship with the foreign national and evidence proving their position must be submitted.
Where to apply
Innovation Promotion Division, Business Innovation Department, Economic Affairs Bureau
Address: 6-50-10 Hon-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama
TEL.: 045-671-3837
Email: ke-global@city.yokohama.lg.jp
※Please contact us before you visit our office.
Ayuntamiento de Yokohama, centro de llamadas
Getting a Visa
If the applicant passes the screening, they can get certification from the City of Yokohama.
Certification is valid for three months.
Dentro de tres meses, vaya a la Agencia de Immigration Services y solicite las «Actividades Designadas» estado de la residencia.
If you have any questions about application procedures, please contact the Immigration Services Agency.
https://www.moj.go.jp/isa/about/region/yokohama/index.html (el sitio exterior)
After you get the visa from the Immigration Services Agency, contact the Yokohama startup visa coordinators as soon as possible.
In addition, you must turn in the documents below.
Required documents
1. Notificación de Adquisición (Renovación) de Estado de Residencia «Actividades Designadas» (una palabra: 23 kilobytes)
2. Copy of residence card
3.(※ Si espera la emisión de una tarjeta de la residencia, por favor presente una copia de su pasaporte.)
Applicants must write these applications in Japanese.
If you write them in English, you will have to turn in a translation of these documents as well.
10. Monthly interview
Once you obtain a startup visa, you must have a monthly interview with us. If we observe that you are not conducting any activities related to your business, or you do not come to the interview, we will have to invalidate your visa.
11. Changes of Business Startup Activities Confirmation Application
If there are any changes to the contents of the Business Startup Activities Confirmation Application, contact the Yokohama startup visa coordinator or tell us when we meet at the monthly interview.
(ex: changing your address, telephone number, mail address)
Required documents
1. Aplicación de Cambios (una palabra: 17 kilobytes)
2. Documents to confirm modifications
12. Invalidation of the certification from City of Yokohama
If we find proof of any false declarations or wrongdoing, we will revoke the certificate of confirmation.
In such cases, you will be asked to return the certificate of confirmation to the City of Yokohama immediately.
13. Inquiries
Línea directa de apoyo del visado de arranque de Yokohama (An-Nahal Inc.)
Email: yokohama_startupvisa@an-nahal.com
※Japanese and English are available.
Pregunta a esta página
La sección de promoción de innovación del departamento de innovación de negocio de la Oficina de Asuntos Económica
Teléfono: 045-671-4600
Teléfono: 045-671-4600
Fax: 045-664-4867
Una dirección de correo electrónico: ke-innovation@city.yokohama.lg.jp
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