Es el texto de aquí.
Última fecha de actualización el 1 de abril de 2024
You can make any number of trips on the date specified on the ticket, in the designated area's municipal subways, buses(except night buses), and the Tourist Spot Round-trip Bus (Akaikutsu) and Kanachu Bus(Applicable area and routes No.11*).
*from Sakuragicho-Eki-Mae to Nakamurabashi
Designated Area
Minato Burari Ticket
Designated Area
○Yokohama Minato Area
● Municipal Bus & Kanachu Bus: Yokohama to Motomachi /Minatonomieruoka-koen-mae, Kannai / Isezaki-cho to Yokohamabashi / Nakamurabashi, Takigashira
● Municipal Subway BlueLine: Yokohama Sta. to Yoshinocho Sta.
○Sankeien Garden Area
● Municipal Bus: Sankeien Garden and Sankeien-iriguchi bus stops.
○Takigashira Area
● Municipal Bus: Takigashira and Shiden-hozon-kan-mae bus stops.
● You can get on or off at Sankeien Garden and Sankeien-iriguchi bus stops, but not at the bus stops in the section between Yokohama Minato Area and Sankeien Garden Area.
● You can get on or off at Takigashira and Shiden-hozon-kan-mae bus stops, but not at the bus stops in the section between Yokohama Minato Area and Takigashira Area.
(If you wish to get on or off at one of these bus stops, you must pay a separate passenger fare.)
Billete de Minato Burari amplio, EXCEPTO billete de Minato Burari
Designated Area
○Yokohama Minato Area
● Municipal Bus & Kanachu Bus: Yokohama to Motomachi /Minatonomieruoka-koen-mae, Kannai / Isezaki-cho to Yokohamabashi / Nakamurabashi, Takigashira
● Municipal Subway BlueLine: Yokohama Sta. to Yoshinocho Sta.
○Sankeien Garden Area
● Municipal Bus: Sankeien Garden and Sankeien-iriguchi bus stops.
○Takigashira Area
● Municipal Bus: Takigashira and Shiden-hozon-kan-mae bus stops.
○Shin-Yokohama Area
● Municipal Subway BlueLine: Shin-Yokohama Sta.
● You can get on or off at Sankeien Garden and Sankeien-iriguchi bus stops, but not at the bus stops in the section between Yokohama Minato Area and Sankeien Garden Area.
● You can get on or off at Takigashira and Shiden-hozon-kan-mae bus stops, but not at the bus stops in the section between Yokohama Minato Area and Takigashira Area.
● You can get on or off at the municipal subway Shin-Yokohama Station, but not at stations from Kishine Koen to Mitsuzawa-shimocho.
(If you wish to get on or off at one of these bus stops or subway stations, you must pay a separate passenger fare.)
Boarding Date
Please specify the boarding date at the time of purchase. The crew will stamp the date on your ticket.
You may also write in the boarding date in place of the stamp before your first trip. (Please fill in with a permanent marker.)
You can make any number of trips on the date specified on the ticket, in the designated area's municipal subways, buses(except night buses), the Tourist Spot Round-trip Bus (Akaikutsu), and Kanachu Bus(Applicable area and routes No.11*).
*from Sakuragicho-Eki-Mae to Nakamurabashi
About Children's Tickets
Children's tickets have a triangular section cut out of the upper right of the ticket.
About Excess Fare
If you wish to get on or off at outside of the designated area, you must pay passenger fare from each bus stop or station.
About Refund
Refund of unused tickets is acceptable only up to the day before the date specified on the ticket, at any municipal subway station or at pass counters (at the municipal subway Yokohama Station or the East Exit of Yokohama Station).
Los gastos de tramitación son 100 yenes por billete.
Please be aware that change of the date, replacement with a new ticket, or a refund due to your mistake cannot be accepted.
Please note that the ticket is not refundable in case the bus is over the capacity.
Supporting Facilities
Discount services and so on in supporting facilities are only valid on the date specified on the ticket.
See Supporting Facilities
Sightseeing Around Yokohama with Minato Burari Ticket (Please scroll to the bottom of the page.)
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