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Activities (FY2023)
Last updated date:2024/7/8
Introduction of YWBA Member Company Technology to the Public Utility Board of Singapore (PUB)
August 7, 2023
The City of Yokohama and the Public Utilities Board (PUB) of Singapore have been continuously conducting international technical exchanges as members of the international group for coordination and cooperation (GTX) for the purpose of obtaining useful information, such as sharing knowledge on large diameter sewer pipes.
In FY2023, PUB visited Yokohama and held a workshop, and a YWBA member company introduced their products.
Member company introducing its products
The 5th Executive Forum for Enhancing Sustainability of Urban Water Service in the Asian Region
August 22-25, 2023
JICA and the City of Yokohama co-hosted a forum, inviting executives from water utilities in the Asian region.
During the forum, nine YWBA member companies displayed posters and five YWBA member companies gave business presentations at the venue. Additionally, two companies accepted technical tours to promote their products to executives.
Presentation and poster displays by member companies of YWBA
Visiting private companies on a technical tour
Online seminar based on MOU on technical exchange between Water and Sanitation Agency Faisalabad (WASA-F) and YWWB
September 11-12, 2023
WASA-F and the YWWB signed an MOU on technical exchange in October 2019, on the request of WASA-F, which had evaluated the activities of YWWB through the past JICA projects consigned to Yokohama Water Company.
In September 2023, an online seminar and discussion was held on two themes: “Water Meter Management”, and “Pipe Network Analysis”.
The seminar was attended by 29 executives from WASA-F and eight participants from five member companies of the YWBA.
Three YWBA member companies presented their businesses and technologies.
Discussion (WASA-F)
Closing remarks
International Exhibition "VIETWATER2023" in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
October 11-13, 2023
The City of Yokohama, together with four YWBA member companies, exhibited at VIETWATER2023, the largest water-related exhibition in Vietnam, and made presentations at the Technical Seminar.
We introduced the city's initiatives in water supply and sewerage by displaying posters at the exhibition booth and making presentations at the seminar, and also promoted the YWBA in cooperation with the exhibiting member companies.
City of Yokohama Booth
Presentation at Technical Seminar
Training course for African waterworks engineers
October 16 – November 2, 2023
The YWWB has been accepting trainees from Africa for the past several years, a program that was inspired by the Fourth Tokyo International Conference on African Development held in Yokohama in May 2008. Since 2009, the YWWB has hosted a JICA program for waterworks engineers from African countries every year, in cooperation with Yokohama Water Co., Ltd. The YWWB has accepted 153 waterworks engineers from 32 African countries as of FY 2023.
In 2023, an in-person program, that included the introduction of Japanese technology at two YWBA member companies, was held from October to November. In addition, an online program also was held in September.
Visit to construction site
Site visit to Kosuzume water purification plant
Training course in Japan for JICA Partnership Program “The Project for Capacity Development of PERUMDA Tirtanadi for 24 Hours Safe Water Supply in North Sumatra Province, Indonesia”
October 30-November 10, 2023
The YWWB has been implementing the JICA Project “The Project for Capacity Development of PERUMDA Tirtanadi for 24 Hours Safe Water Supply in North Sumatra Province, Indonesia” since April 2023.
The project aims to develop the capacity of PERMUDA Tirtanadi to operate its water supply business. The YWWB provides technical assistance and suggestions for improvement in the fields of water distribution management and water treatment. In addition, the business and technologies of YWBA member companies are also introduced.
In 2023, the YWWB invited executives from PERMUDA Tirtanadi for training in Japan, and four member companies of YWBA gave presentations.
Presentations by member companies of the YWBA
Visiting a water treatment plant
Business Matching with Hanoi Urban Environment Company (URENCO)
November 7, 2023
The Hanoi Urban Environment Company (URENCO), which is in charge of recovered sludge treatment, has been working in cooperation with the City of Yokohama since the JICA Grassroots Technical Cooperation Project Phase 2.
In FY2023, when we held a discussion with URENCO on sludge treatment, we introduced related member companies to them.
Discussion with URENCO regarding project formation
YWBA Member Company Booths at the 12th Asia Smart City Conference
November 13-14, 2023
The Asia Smart City Conference (hereinafter referred to as "ASCC*) is an international conference that brings together representatives from Asian cities, national governments, international organizations, academic institutions, and private companies, aiming to discuss on the realization of a sustainable city where economic growth and a favorable urban environment are compatible.
In FY2023, many YWBA member companies exhibited with booths at the conference venue to provide information on their products and technologies.
Exhibition booths
Training course for JICA Project "The Project for Improvement of Management Capacity of Water Supply Sector in Faisalabad"
December4-11, 2023
YWC was contracted by JICA for “The Project for Improvement of Management Capacity of Water Supply Sector in Faisalabad” in February 2022. In cooperation with JICA and Yokohama Water Co., Ltd., the YWWB received five waterworks engineers from WASA-F for training.
Three YWBA member companies presented their business and technologies.
Training of Maintenance of electric and mechanical equipmen
Training of Drawing Management
Business Matching to Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Establishing Diplomatic Relations between Japan and Vietnam
December 25, 2023
In 2023, the 50th anniversary of Japan-Vietnam relations, a seminar on water and environmental issues was held in Hanoi.
In the program of this event, YWBA member companies promoted their products to local government agencies and companies.
Business matching
YWBA 2023 Seminar
January 23, 2024
The Ministry of the Environment, UNIDO, and Original Engineering Consultants Co., Ltd. introduced various overseas development support schemes and shared the activities of YWBA member companies in the Philippines and Vietnam. Twenty companies and 23 people participated in this seminar.
YWBA Seminar
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