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Child Rearing and Education

Última fecha actualizada: 2024/9/24

Child Rearing and Education in Yokohama

The following pages provide information on pregnancy, childbirth, infant health checkups, children's vaccinations, childcare support, as well as school life.
 ⇒ Crianza de los niños y Educación (cuidado de los niños, educación)
Educational counseling (counseling on children's school life and higher education, guidance for entering high school, etc.)
 ⇒ Donde puede consultar en idiomas extranjeros, clases de la lengua japonesas (Consultas sobre la Educación)

Child Rearing in Naka Ward

Map of Places to Go Out in Naka Ward

This map provides information at a glance on child rearing support facilities (outing spots) in Naka Ward.
Please check the facility in question or the event website, etc., and if necessary, contact the organizer before participating in the event.
The map can be read in 10 languages through automatic multilingual translation by Catalog Pocket, a service for reading public relations magazines (at the bottom of the following page).
 ⇒ Map of Places to Go Out in Naka Ward

Map of Naka Ward Parks

This map provides information on all parks in Naka Ward. Foreign language versions (English, Chinese, and Korean) are available (at the bottom of the following page).
 ⇒ Map of Naka Ward Parks

News and event information

We pick up articles and other information from public relations magazines and other sources, translate them into simple Japanese and other languages, and introduce them here.
 ⇒ News and Event Information

Creating a Place for Young People to Spend Time

Rainbow Space

This is a place planned and operated by Nijiiro Tankentai, a group of young people with overseas roots, at Naka International Lounge. It serves as a venue where they can be themselves, allowing them to share their thoughts and concerns with their peers while engaging in a variety of activities, such as setting up stalls at events held in the local community.
 ⇒ Naka Salón Internacional («Espacio del Arco iris» - lugar de la Comunidad para juventud con fondos extranjeros) (el sitio exterior)

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