Es el texto de aquí.
Information in English
Última fecha actualizada: 2024/11/12
We offer useful information for foreign residents in Tsurumi Ward in various languages. Available languages may differ depending on the types of information, but we hope you will find it helpful.
Mitsuike Park
Tsurumi Ward is located in the northeastern part of Yokohama City, and was established on October 1, 1927 when the ward system was introduced in Yokohama.
The population of Tsurumi Ward is around 290,000, and there are over 12,000 foreign residents from more than 80 countries living here. The Tsurumi Ward Office is working to create a multi-cultural community where both Japanese people and foreigners understand the differences in cultures and live happily together.
This leaflet is available at the multi-language information corner on the ground floor of the Tsurumi Ward Office.
Earthquake Information
- Information from Yokohama City
- Sitio portal en políticas para Residentes Extranjeros (el sitio exterior)
Information for living
Page ID: 747-530-950